
Fabio Saracco

He has been Assistant Professor (RTDa) at IMT School For Advanced Studies since May 2016, where He works in the NETWORKS research unit guided by prof. Garlaschelli.

Fabio’s actual research is devoted to the theoretical development of tools for the analysis of complex networks; recently these techniques were applied in the context of Online Social Networks in the activity of the TOFFEe (TOol for Fighting FakEs), funded by the IMT School For Advanced Studies and led by prof. Rocco De Nicola.


Marco Viviani

He is an Assistant Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Informatics, Systems, and Communication (DISCo). He works in the Information and Knowledge Representation, Retrieval, and Reasoning (IKR3) Lab. He has been co-chair of several special tracks and workshops at international conferences, and general co-chair of MDAI 2019.

His main research activities include Information Retrieval, Trust and Reputation Management, Knowledge Management, Social Computing, and User Modeling. On these topics, he has written several international publications.


Publicity Chair